Sigma Beauty Dry'n Shape SPA Web ID: 000-819430017713
Product Description: Sigma Beauty's Sigma Dry'n Shape Spa brings all the elements of brush care in a single, groundbreaking gadget that cleans, dries and reshape brushes more easily and conveniently. Combining the world-famous brush cleaning textures of Sigma Spa and the top-selling Sigma Dryn Shape Tower this makeup brush cleaning tool is a must-have for any brush arsenal.
Benefits: Deeply cleans your brush collection using award-winning textures.
Efficiently dries up to 18 brushes at once using the specially-developed elastic bands.
Compact design and universal fit.
Ideal for an everyday brush collection.
Brush Cleaning How-To: WASH:
Add 1-2 pumps of SigMagic Brushampoo to wet brush fibers and swirl on ‘WASH’ texture.
Sweep brush back and forth on the ‘RINSE’ texture under running water to remove makeup residue & soap.
Swirl brush on the ‘REFINE’ texture for an added deep cleaning.
Again, sweep brush back and forth on the ‘RINSE’ texture under running water.
For a deeper clean, repeat cleaning process using the ‘REFINE PLUS’ texture.
Use the ‘RINSE’ texture one last time. Gently squeeze brush head with your hand to remove excess water.
Place makeup brushes in the Sigma Dry'n Shape Spa to restore brushes to dry them quickly and return them to their original shape and function! If you haven't got our revolutionary tower, simply lay your brushes flat on a towel.
ABOUT THE BRAND: SIGMA BEAUTY Sigma Beauty was founded in 2009 to meet the worldwide need of affordable and professional-grade beauty products with innovative designs that allow for individuality. With roots in engineering and science, the husband-wife team who makes up Sigma Beauty, always stay one step ahead of the game by testing their line for performance, resistance and durability so the specific needs and wants of every consumer are met.